Saturday, January 27, 2007

The Playoffs and Reputation

Exhibit A in how team defence and playoff success define goaltenders:

Dan Cloutier vs. Martin Brodeur

Dan Cloutier: .908 save %, .908 shot-quality neutral save %
Marty Brodeur: .914 save %, .906 shot-quality neutral save %

Dan Cloutier: .914 save %, .910 shot-quality neutral save %
Marty Brodeur: .917 save %, .909 shot-quality neutral save %

(Stats courtesy hockeyanalytics).

Their performances over 2 NHL regular seasons were essentially the same.

The difference:

This goal was forgotten, as the Devils won the Cup.

This goal made Cloutier’s reputation as a choker, and he was run out of town in disgrace.

Oh, and another major difference?

Vezina Trophies: Brodeur 2, Cloutier 0.


  1. I know I am way behind on this one but couldn't resist commenting when I saw it.

    Are you seriously arguing that because of his reputation Martin Brodeur was allowed to live on?

    It had nothing to do with Cloutiers career 0.868 sv% on some pretty good teams after this goal?

    It had nothing to do with his injury plagued 2005-2006 season?

    It had nothing to do with the pick-up of Roberto Luongo? A goalie most teams in the NHL would have loved to pick-up.

    But you are correct "he was run out of town in disgrace" after 2 full seasons as a starter and 2 flops in the playoffs.

    Not to mention the Canucks were 8-8 with him having a 0.868 sv%. They were a good team who lost because of poor play between the pipes.

  2. The 0.868 is cloutier's playoff sv % after that goal.

    His regular seasson sv% has been much better as pointed out this article.

  3. I'm anonymous as well. Not sure why it posted that way.

  4. نوفر مواد تغليف الاثاث من الكرتون والبلاستيك :-
    أحيانا يريد بعض العملاء القيام بتغليف الأثاث بأنفسهم والكثير يطلب منا توفير مواد التغليف عالية الجودة .. ونحن افضل شركة لنقل العفش داخل جدة نوفر افضل وأجود مواد التغليف ولدينا عمالة مدربة علي تغليف وشحن العفش داخل السيارات بطريقة آمنة …! ونحن أيضا نستعين بنجارين متخصصين فى اعمال فك الفش وكل قطع المنقولات القابله للفك والتركيب وهم ايضا يقومون بحل كل السرائر والدواليب التى تتبع العفش بصورة سليمه لا تضر بالخشب ولا تكسر اى طرف منه واذا تواجدت اى مشكله من خدش او تجريح فى السطح الخارجى للاطار الخشبى فان نجارينا سيقومون بعمل اللازم لترميم الجزء التالف وارجاعه كانه جديد ولامع والذين يقومون ايضا بخدمه تلميع الاخشاب للاثاث وهذة خدمه يبحث عنها العملاء فاننا نوفرها لهم بسعر مخفض وبجودة عاليه فاننا افضل شركة تلميع اثاث وخشب بالرياض ولمزيد من الراحه والانجاز يقوم النجارين بالتوجهه مع العفش الى المكان الجديد ليقومون بتركيب كل جزء قم قاموا بتفكيكه والعمل على اقامه الدواليب وتركيب السرائر كما اكنت دون اى تغير او إتلاف لها .
